the beginning of the novel, Delta 7's main character visits the
island nation of Grenada, located in the southeastern part of the
Caribbean. One of the novel's central characters is a native of
this enchanting island. This fictional
character is a high-ranking member of the Grenadian Defense Force.

assigned as an attaché in Venezuela, I was also diplomatically
accredited to Grenada and several other Caribbean
nations. I can honestly say that I found the
Grenadian people to be some of the most friendly and hospitable people
in the world!
Grenadian Flag
The 1983 US invasion of Grenada, called "Urgent Fury," is mentioned in my novel. I remember
attending several diplomatic functions commemorating the US
intervention while visiting in my official capacity as an
attaché back in the mid 1990s. At the time, I was surprised to learn that many Grenadians
were genuinely appreciative of that military action.
In fact, the invasion is still commemorated each year in a national
holiday known as "Thanksgiving Day."
Since Grenada is one of the destinations served by American
Airlines' 737, I have been lucky enough to return to Grenada many
times over the past decade plus. I have been able to strike up
conversations with many "locals" during my visits. I've become
aware that since the majority of Grenadians living today were born
after the US invasion, many of today's Grenadian youth seem only
vaguely aware of this aspect of their country's history.
Finally -- and hopefully without revealing any of Delta 7's secrets...
some of the characters in Delta 7 are members of the Royal
Grenadian Police Force & Coast Guard. In my actual
experience they were all dedicated and hard-working men and
women... and it was an honor and a privilege to meet and work with
them. Don't forget, Delta 7 is a work of fiction!