The Varn
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Web Database This is the link to the Varns in my "Cathcart
Family Tree (jcath)" genealogy file submitted to RootsWeb.
This GEDCOM database is frequently updated and includes many Varn
ancestors not directly in my line.
My Line
My Varn Ancestors
1913 Senior Year, Winthrop College |
My Varn Pedigree Chart -
Daisy Bennett Varn (1893-1975) my grandmother
John Wingard Varn
(1863-1940) my great grandfather
- 8/48/1892: marries Jane Vardel
- Their children:
- Daisy Bennett Varn (see above)
Irene Elizabeth Varn (1895-1897)
Rivers Lawton Varn (1898-1981)
Mary Lise Varn (1901-1979)
Frances Hazel Varn (1905-1991)
Aaron Elisha Varn, Jr.
(1824-1885) my 2nd great grandfather
Report: Descendants of Jacob Varn. My original tree seems
solid back until Jacob Varn (b. C. 1748). At this point there
are two Jacob & Mary Varns listed in various documents and the
record gets a bit "shaky."
(updated: 1/30/2003, size: 49K)

Photos from Varn Family Get-Together, Circa 1931
Children (left to right):
Jean Elizabeth Cathcart
(1930-2009), Eleanor Frances Varn (born c1929), James Foster Cathcart
(1928-2009), Jane Walpole (1927-2002), James Lawton Walpole (1926-1988), Anna
Lawton Varn (born c1925-2006), John Varn Cathcart (1923-2005) |
Top Left (framed by door) Eleanor Hook Varn?, below her Eleanor
Frances Varn. I believe the couple in the middle are Leroy and
Frances Hazel Walpole? To the right, Thomas Madden Cathcart
(in glasses) and his daughter, Jean. Jane Lawton and John Wingard
Varn (the eldest couple), and Rivers Lawton Varn on far right.
See photo on left to see which children are which.

Janie, Hazel, Jane, LeRoy, ?
Photo provided by cousin John Scherer (click for more details)
(L-R) Jane Vardel Lawton Varn, Hazel Varn Walpole, Jane Walpole Melton, Leroy Walpole, ?
John Scherer's grandmother was Olive, Leroy Walpole's sister