Clowney, Copeland, Foster, Frampton,
Lawton,, Madden,
McQuiston, Muller, Rivers, Sineath, Sterling,
Varn, Winborn
- RootsWeb
GEDCOM This is the link to the "Cathcart
Family Tree (jcath)" genealogy file submitted to RootsWeb.
- Descendant Reports ("Big Four")
(All from my GEDCOM
published on RootsWeb)
Earliest Cathcarts - Use this page to see a graph showing the
first Cathcarts (including whom I refer to as the
Four" Cathcart brothers. These brothers have been
mentioned in several sources (including John Sterling Cathcart's
work). The chart comes from a letter Robert Spann Cathcart
III wrote to Ross & Lola Keys back in 1964, outlining his
research into the Cathcarts from Ireland. You can click on a
name of interest to go to that area of my database.
- My line...
I've created a new page to discuss ongoing
Cathcart mysteries.
- Normally, these are Cathcart individuals
who we can't place within the
main Cathcart Groups—but who also don't quite qualify as
Aunt Jean's
recollections of her paternal grandparents (John Sterling and Maggie
Foster Cathcart).
Cathcart yDNA Study Thanks to the efforts of
Raymond Cathcart, we have an on-going DNA project to help place the
various Cathcart lines. Here's a link to the public page of
the website:
yDNA Project this link will open up a new window on the website.
Please feel free to
visit the site... and PLEASE participate! The more data we
collect, the better able we are to link the various Cathcart lines
If you have any
questions, please contact me or Raymond.
William Cathcart. I'm starting to believe that
I may have misidentified the descendants of William & Mary Cathcart
(many of whom settled in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina) as
being closely related to our own Winnsboro line of Cathcarts.
I was (and still am) looking for the "missing William" who shows up
in Robert Spann Cathcart's research. See the "Early
Cathcarts" page to see which William I'm referring to. I'm
creating a new William page to track the possible candidates.
In an effort to straighten out all the Cathcarts who arrived in the
Piedmont area near Fairfield County, SC, I am creating a timeline
for placing different Cathcarts in various locations through
time. It's a work in progress, so please let me know if you
find any errors/omissions or have any comments.
Wills, Deeds, and Other Document Transcriptions.
I have started adding information from recent trips to South
Carolina. See the document below for transcriptions of various
documents. I have digital photos or paper copies of all
documents transcribed in this document (which, for the time being,
is in MS Word format)
Cathcart's movements between Illinois and South Carolina.
I have found documents that may lead to a link between this line of
Cathcarts and our own. David sold hundreds of acres of land in
Chester County to his son Joseph, Sr. (and to others) in 1802-1807
and again in 1821. I see other purchases by our line of
Cathcarts (James, Sr. and Robert) starting in 1824.
Remembering that most of our line came to Winnsboro about this time,
I feel sure that we may find a connection.
Religious background.
I have found two sources showing the history of the Covenanters, the
Associate Reformed Presbyterians, and others. We have at least
two Reverends closely related to our Cathcarts:
Rev. Thomas
Donnelly, Sr. his son married John Cathcart's daughter
Mary Ann.
Rev. Campbell
Madden, Sr. married James Sr.'s daughter Jane.
After researching the
early religious history of the period, we should be able to get a
better idea of their lives. In addition, we may learn for sure
why James Sr.'s son John (and his wife Mary Harper and family) left
South Carolina for Illinois.
See the following pages
for more information:
help me out!! I'd appreciate any
Other Cathcart-related
Websites/Genealogical Databases
Similar information to
above site. Author: Margie Kithcart-Padgitt.
Includes info on
Cathcart Castle, heraldry, arms and history. I don't
have anything that links us here yet -- but I'm working on
Although we do not
descend from the immediate branch listed on this site, there are
three pages in a Newsletter that cover the Early History of the
Cathcart Name, Cathcart Castle, and other interesting
information. Created by Bill Parmer.
by John Cantzon Foster (Word format)

What Life was like
"Back Then"
Stories, Anecdotes, Diaries, Interviews, etc.
Transcribed by John V. Cathcart from
six volumes of a journal kept throughout the life of Jane
"Janie" Lawton Varn. From the first entry on March 19,
1886 to her last entry May 2, 1955, you get a wonderful insight into
the life and times of this incredible woman.
by Mrs. William Turner Cathcart (nee Fannie Alice "Allie"
Cox) describing her family's move from Illinois to southwest
Missouri in 1867. This is from George Kysor's website.
Allie is George's maternal great-grandmother, who descends from John
Cathcart (brother of Samuel, Matthew and James Sr., the "Big
Four"). See also George's RootsWeb
database, and his data on "The
Cathcart Story," which includes data on descendants of John
Message Boards, Search Engines, Chat Rooms, etc.