Fairfield County
South Carolina
Gen Info |
Census Data
| Maps | Photos/Misc
General Information
This is the most
important County in South Carolina for my Cathcart
ancestors—especially the County seat in the town of Winnsboro.
After the family moved from County Antrim, they first settled further north
in Chester County; but by the time of that 1830 census nearly all the family
had settled in Fairfield County.
Mills Atlas 1825...
1895 Map
Detailed Maps from 1865
Winnsboro & North to NC border |
1865: Winnsboro & South
to Columbia |
Winnsboro houses
Town Clock
Congress & Washington Streets
Land donated by Robert Cathcart
Black & White from April 1940 (Lib of Cong) |
Cathcart House
click for details/history
Zion Street, Winnsboro
Listed in the National Register of Historic Places
The lot was a part of the original Winn property,
acquired from Joseph Owen when the town of Winnsboro, was originally
laid out.
Mrs. Rebecca Yongue and her husband built the home in the
late 1820's. In 1840 Mrs. Yongue conveyed the place to her son,
Alexander Yongue, for $3,000.00. Alexander Yongue held the property
until 1858, at which time he sold it to C. McClenaghan. George I.
Crafts of Charleston bought the home three years later and held it
until 1869 when he sold it to James Alexander Brice (1839-1909). The Brice family
resided here until 1909, during which time it became known as the
BRICE HOUSE. Janie Kennedy Brice, the widow of J. A. Brice, sold it to
John Huey Cathcart (1865-1939; son of Samuel &Anna Elder Cathcart. Mr. Cathcart and his family moved here from their
country home at Adger, SC just North of Winnsboro.
John Huey Cathcart's widow—Marion Harris Cathcart—lived in the home until her death in 1961. Since that time, a
variety of succeeding owners have made a number of repairs and
improvements but long time Winnsboro residents still call this "The
Cathcart House" |